Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan (Solvent Extr. Res. Dev., Jpn.) is a periodical issued from Japan Association of Solvent Extraction (JASE) containing papers dealing with all aspects of solvent extraction and their related methods, underlying principles, and materials. Original articles, notes, technical reports, and critical reviews will be considered for publication. Original articles must be of reasonably broad scope and significance to the solvent extraction. Notes will originally describe novel work of a limited nature or especially significant work in progress. Authors can contribute some information of novel techniques, equipment or apparatus, reagents and diluents for solvent extraction as technical reports. Critical reviews will be received from the authors to whom the editorial committee asked to contribute.Manuscripts should be submitted via the web site. Submission of a manuscript is contingent upon the agreement by all the authors that the work reported therein has not received prior publication and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere in any medium, including electronic journals and computer databases. More than one of the authors should be desired to be the members of Japan Association of Solvent Extraction.Papers are accepted on the basis of judgment of their quality and probable lasting value and must reflect conclusions of general significance rather than simply the reporting of data or calculations and original contribution. Four types of papers, original articles, note, technical report, and critical review are acceptable for the publication. In principle, original papers should be 6 - 14 pages, and notes and technical reports should be within 6 pages.Original articles are the papers which include the original research contents concerning the solvent extraction, and should include scientific or technical value and conclusion.Notes are short reports including new ideas or data, especially even when an early stage of development.Technical reports are the papers having practical importance, such as new technical information, new apparatus, novel extractant, and novel diluent.Critical Reviews are welcomed in wide areas appropriate to the journal. Reviews should be timely and in-depth treatments considering beyond the compilation of recent literatures. They should give the readers some critical guidance of the present state of the art and the planning of experiments. Acceptance is based on the same peer review system as that used for regular papers.