


  • 期刊ISSN:0591-2385
  • 研究方向:
  • 影响因子:0.648
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  • 是否OA:No
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ZYGON简介 Magazine introduction
  • 英文简介

    Following the announcement of the retirement of its distinguished editor, Professor Willem B. Drees, the Joint Publication Board (JPB) of Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science is pleased to announce the newly appointed Editor-in-Chief, Professor Arthur C. Petersen of University College London. The appointment will be effective June 2018, with an editorial start date in September. The transition between the two Editors will begin in June and be completed by the end of 2018.University College London’s Vice-Provost (Research) Professor G. David Price offered remarkable support for Petersen’s assuming the editorship of Zygon, noting, “UCL is proud of its radical tradition: since its founding in 1826, UCL has always responded to contemporary circumstances and the needs of society. The global conversation between different religions and the scientific enterprise is an example of an activity that needs urgent attention. I believe that UCL (which consistently ranks highly in international league tables) can play a significant role here: humanity will not secure its survival without the knowledge and wisdom generated by leading universities – and such knowledge and wisdom also has to engage with religious practices. UCL’s research strategy aims to cross boundaries to increase engagement with global society. Professor Petersen’s Editorship – and the ensuing activities such as symposia and conferences envisaged – will contribute to realizing this strategy.”Prof. Price further noted, “facilitating Prof. Petersen to take up this Editorship constitutes a continuation of our institutional support for his research activities in this important field. He will bring the rigor needed for the quality as well as the vision needed for the relevance of the journal. In particular, his experience in linking science and politics/policy could well be pivotal for Zygon’s continuing success in the next decade.”Prof. Petersen has been a reader of Zygon since he first engaged with the field of science and religion in the early 1990s. He became a member of IRAS and subscriber to the journal in the mid 2000s. He has (critically) reviewed a handful of Zygon articles, made fruitful suggestions to the editor for speakers in a Zygon-curated symposium (also authors of subsequent articles), and has also published one of his own articles in the journal (in 2014). He states: “I am honoured and proud to be offered this role of Editor-in-Chief of Zygon. I think that religion-and-science is presently underthematized in thinking about the science–policy interface, or how to deal with uncertainty and value-ladenness of assumptions in science-heavy societal problems. With addition of this renewed editorial emphasis, I will dedicate my energies to continuing the existing profile of the journal.”Since 2014, Prof. Petersen has served as Professor of Science, Technology and Public Policy, playing various leadership roles in the build-up of University College London’s new Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP).Within the department he continues to fulfill the roles of Director of Doctoral Studies and Departmental Graduate Tutor (Research).This followed more than 13 years’ work as scientific adviser on environment and infrastructure policy within the Dutch Government. Most recently he served as Chief Scientist of the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2011–2014). Professor Petersen is also a Visiting Fellow at Osaka University (2018) and Research Affiliate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (since 2009). He has been Adjunct Professor of Science and Environmental Public Policy at the VU University Amsterdam (2011–2016) and Professorial Fellow at the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment – RIVM (2016–2017), and he has been Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2009–2014) and at UCL STEaPP (January–August 2014).Professor Petersen studied physics and philosophy, obtained doctorate degrees in atmospheric sciences (Doctor of Philosophy – PhD, Utrecht University, 1999) and philosophy of science (Doctor of Public Administration – DPA, VU University Amsterdam, 2006), and now also finds disciplinary homes in anthropology, political science and science & religion. He is currently working on his third doctorate (DPhil in Science and Religion) at the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Prof. Alister McGrath, where he is writing a book on uncertainty in science and religion.

  • 中文简介

    兹根:宗教与科学杂志联合出版委员会(JPB)在宣布其杰出编辑威廉姆·b·德雷斯教授退休后,高兴地宣布新任命的伦敦大学学院亚瑟·c·彼得森教授为主编。该任命将于2018年6月生效,9月开始编辑。两名编辑的交接工作将于今年6月开始,2018年底前完成。伦敦大学学院的副教务长(研究)G. David Price教授对彼得森担任Zygon的编辑给予了极大的支持,他指出:“伦敦大学学院为其激进的传统感到自豪:自1826年成立以来,伦敦大学学院一直对当代环境和社会需求做出反应。不同宗教与科学事业之间的全球对话是一项需要紧急注意的活动的一个例子。我相信伦敦大学学院(在国际排名表上一直名列前茅)可以在这方面发挥重要作用:如果没有顶尖大学所产生的知识和智慧,人类将无法生存——而这些知识和智慧也必须与宗教实践相结合。伦敦大学学院的研究战略旨在跨越国界,增加与全球社会的接触。彼得森教授的编辑职务以及随后设想的座谈会和会议等活动将有助于实现这一战略。”普赖斯教授续说:“我们继续为彼得森教授在这一重要范畴的研究活动提供机构支援,以协助他担任这份编辑工作。”他将为杂志的质量带来所需的严谨性,也将为杂志的相关性带来所需的远见卓识。特别是,他将科学与政治/政策联系起来的经验,很可能对Zygon在未来十年的持续成功至关重要。”彼得森教授自上世纪90年代初首次涉足科学和宗教领域以来,一直是Zygon的读者。2000年代中期,他成为IRAS的成员和《华尔街日报》的订户。他(批判性地)回顾了几篇Zygon的文章,在Zygon策划的研讨会上为演讲者向编辑提出了富有成效的建议(同时也是后续文章的作者),并在期刊上发表了自己的一篇文章(2014年)。他说:“我很荣幸,也很自豪能担任Zygon的主编。我认为,宗教和科学目前在思考科学政策接口,或如何处理科学社会问题中的不确定性和假设的价值取向时,被低估了。除了重新强调编辑工作,我将把我的精力用于继续保持《华尔街日报》现有的形象。”自2014年以来,彼得森教授一直担任科学、技术和公共政策教授,在伦敦大学学院(University College London)新成立的科学、技术、工程和公共政策系(STEaPP)的建设过程中发挥了多种领导作用。在系内,他继续担任博士生导师和系研究生导师(研究)。此前,他在荷兰政府担任了13年多的环境和基础设施政策科学顾问。最近,他担任荷兰PBL环境评估局首席科学家(2011-2014)。彼得森教授也是大阪大学的访问学者(2018年)和麻省理工学院的研究附属机构(2009年以来)。他一直兼职教授科学和环境公共政策的阿姆斯特丹自由大学(2011 - 2016)和专业研究员荷兰国家公共卫生和环境研究所,国家(2016 - 2017),他在伦敦经济学院的客座教授和政治科学(2009 - 2014)和伦敦大学学院STEaPP出口额(2014)。彼得森教授学习物理和哲学,获得大气科学博士学位(1999年乌得勒支大学哲学博士-博士学位)和科学哲学博士学位(2006年阿姆斯特丹自由大学公共管理博士- DPA学位),目前还在人类学、政治学和科学与宗教等学科领域找到了自己的家。目前,他正在牛津大学攻读他的第三个博士学位(科学和宗教博士学位),导师是阿里斯特·麦格拉思教授,他正在写一本关于科学和宗教不确定性的书。

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